He asked me at one point if I knew

anybody that would be -- and this was early on -- who
would be a good board member and to make
recommendations about who else maybe would be put on
the board that would be synergistic and valuable. He
wanted me to -- you know, on the subject of talking to
investors, he did leave me a message that told me "Do
not contact anybody who has anything to do with
E-Medsoft. Do not contact anybody who knows anybody
to do with E-Medsoft."

When someone controls 85 percent of the

stock, it's pretty tough to get a sophisticated
investor to come in and get in behind that, especially
when that person has a history of selling large
ownerships. The liquidity of the stock was a problem.
Obviously, there weren't enough shares out there.

he showed up in cowboy

boots with a suit. He looked like a fool with these
white cowboy boots with a dark suit and talking about
his gulf stream airplanes

But when you just continue to

lie and lie and lie, people don't like it. And he
can't help himself. He's got a problem there.

I'm shocked that the SEC,

or the NASD didn't come in and do some sort of
investigation. When a stock goes from 2 to 16 in a
short period of time on low volume, they usually come
try to figure out why the market is a little strange
and too volatile.

Okay. How many times have you bought Recom

I believe only once when Mitchell called me
and instructed me specifically to buy 7,500 shares at
31 minutes after the opening, that "I don't like your
strategies. I'm taking over. I'm going to be
president of the company. Tracy has insisted, and I
am going to do this. And I want you to buy 7,500
shares, 31 minutes after the opening. I don't want
any excuses. You won't be able to call me. I'll out
of contact, but I want you to leave me a message that
you got this and you're going to do it, and I want you
to do it. That's 7,500 shares, 31 minutes after the
opening." That's a voice message, and it's -- I've
paraphrased it, but that is what it says.

Okay. And did you do it?

All right.
But I didn't buy 75 -- oh, and in the
message he said "...............'s the company lawyer.
The lawyer for company and all its directors. He has
approved this. You'll file a form 4. Everything is
legal under the laws of man," or whatever he says,
"and I want you to do this."

You never directed anybody to engage
in short selling of Recom stock?

I think it's possible Mitchell does.
Why do you say that?
Because sellers would show up in the stock,
and nobody could figure out where they were coming

Because he did it in E-Medsoft, he sold

stock while saying he was going -- that he would never
sell a share. He told all my friends and all the
people that bought, "I'll never sell a share," and he
sold like crazy. So he lies about that.

contacts were

buying E-Medsoft stock, that Mitchell through various
subsidiaries sold millions and millions and millions
of shares, and it's abominable, it's disgusting, it's
horrible because he would say right to people's face
"I will never sell stock, E-Med stock.


that's a trick he uses and he did that with many
people. He would tell them to buy E-Medsoft stock and
get them involved and tell them he'll give them extra

"You give him 50,000, and I don't want to
hear any arguments about it."

(Bill Lockyer campaign)

25,000 to Clinton, 10,000 to Clinton's wife, 5,000 to
Kerry was his last forced move, 5,000 to the district
attorney of Las Vegas, whatever that was about.
E-Medsoft was one of the better performers
after -- right after 9/11 because ........... was in
there buying like crazy because Stein was sitting in
his office tell him he was buying and, in fact, he was
selling. And when the stock started plummeting, we
found out later that TSI, Tracy Stein had sold
millions of shares and that Swab Financial had

It's on Raging Bull, punch out Med

Diversified, MDDVV.Q., and it talks about Stein being
a crook and fleecing investors and lying and selling
stock while everybody else was buying and that there's
a couple of lawsuits, class action suits against Stein
in Florida and the whole Becky ..... thing, and, you
know, it's all on there. Whether it's true or not,
you know, I don't know.

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